Executing Department Jurisdiction Estimate Number Name of the Work Work Order Number Tender Finalized Value For WO Work Commencement date Contractor Period Expected Completion date Sum of Mile stone percentage Work Completion date Total Payment Released
BR-Bus Route RoadsN137BR/2015-16/29567Improvement to foot path at THEYAGARJA ROAD ( From DR. Nair road to Panagal park) IN DIV 136, ZONE-10.BR/WO/5301/2016-17790837.4406/10/20169004/01/201710008/10/2016548390
BR-Bus Route RoadsN132BR/2015-16/20802ATTENDING PATCHES IN VARIOUS ROADS IN DIV - 132, 133, ZONE -10.BR/WO/7996/2015-1618827328/03/20163027/04/201610015/04/2016173936
BR-Bus Route RoadsN137BR/2015-16/20803ATTENDING OF PATCHES IN VARIOUS ROADS IN DIV 131 137 & 140, ZONE -10BR/WO/7998/2015-1619078828/03/20163027/04/201610015/04/2016177509