Executing Department Jurisdiction Estimate Number Name of the Work Work Order Number Tender Finalized Value For WO Work Commencement date Contractor Period Expected Completion date Sum of Mile stone percentage Work Completion date Total Payment Released
BR-Bus Route RoadsN103BR/2015-16/16032REPAIR AND IMPROVEMENTS WORK TO TRAFFIC ISLAND AT MILLERS ROAD, ORMES ROAD, AND BALFOUR ROAD IN DN-103 ZONE-8BR/WO/5284/2016-1788018805/10/201618003/04/201710007/10/2016734012
BR-Bus Route RoadsN110BR/2015-16/15970Repair and improvements of Traffic Island at Sterling road , college road and the jn of harrington road in Dn - 110, Zone - 9BR/WO/5294/2016-17875903.505/10/201618003/04/201710007/10/2016723994