Register Complaint

Greater Chennai Corporation


Registration of Complaint

Instructions: Please fill your complaint details below and click the 'Submit Complaint' button at the bottom. You will  be given a 'Complaint Number' upon submitting the complaint that you can use to track the complaint.
(*indicates required fields)

(* )
Complaining Person's Details

Mobile Number * 

Should be in the following format: 0123456789

On Submision of OTP, you can proceed with Complaint registration
Name* Name         *    Initials Last Name


Male Female Transgender

Street Address*

Pin Code

Phone Number

Should be in the following format: 12345678

Email Address

Complaint Location

Area *  Locality *  Street * 
Specific Location

Complaint Types*(You may select Complaint Types from "Frequently Filed Complaint Types" or "Master List" given Below)

Frequently Filed Complaint Types     
Complaint Title  * 
Details of Complaint *(Should not exceed 400 Characters)
Upload Photograph/Video
Anonymous registration *

Complaint # Reg: Date Complaint Type Status

